4 Tips For Writing a High Impact Book
What happens after you've brainstormed your book idea or created a mind map? How can you ensure you make an impact on your reader? You've got a string of ideas for your book, but need a way to tie them together.
Here are four quick tips on how you can write, message, and package your book to create the maximum effect on your reader.
#1 Know Your Audience
I know we've all been through that exercise where we talk about our avatar and identify their demographics, job title, interests, and create a profile.
And that is the first step to figuring out who your reader is ... but the second step that makes a BIG difference is understanding the 10X version of that person.
What do I mean by that? Your 10X version is who your reader wants to be 3-5 years from now.
Example: Your reader is currently in a leadership position for a big corporation. In 3-5 years, this person dreams of owning their own business that gives them the freedom to spend more time with their family and friends. Knowing this information about your reader allows you to use case studies, stories, and examples to speak to that version.
#2 Identify Your Book's #1 Result
Your book needs a clear message that delivers a result to your reader by the time they finish reading your book. If you try to cover too many areas and offer too many solutions, your book is not actionable.
Your messaging should be unique to you. This can be your methodology, a unique system, or a different way of viewing a solution or situation.
#3 Your Core Value Alignment
This is when you create the 10X version of yourself.
Example: Within the financial industry, you are known for building great teams. Everyone tells you you should write a book. In 3-5 years, you dream of helping small businesses build out teams from scratch. Since that is your goal, you want to attract entrepreneurs to your book because those are your future clients.
You don't want to write a book about where you are now if you want to evolve into a different position. Writing a book is a huge investment in time, so build an audience that will help you succeed in the 10X version of yourself.
#4 Your Publishing Standards
Whether you choose to self-publish your book or go after a traditional publishing deal, your standards need to be high.
I am a traditionally published author of 14 books, so I've been through the process several times. The standards set by the big publishers are high, which is why many books at the bookstore are of better quality than their self-published counterparts.
Traditionally published books go through multiple rounds of editing, proofreading, interior design, and a professionally designed book cover.
Self-published authors must seek out these high standards for their own manuscripts. You don't want someone to look at your book and immediately know what publishing method you used. Do your due diligence and find freelancers who specialize in editing, interior formatting, cover design, and marketing. I discuss this more in this video:
Publishing a high-impact book is not just about writing well. It's about the type of content you choose to include. Your book is like a start-up business where you need to consider targeting, goals, packaging, and marketing.